Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra - "Conspiracy"

First recording of the Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra

I am very happy that the latest recording “Conspiracy” of the Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra is released since September 9th, 2022 on the German label MONS Records (MR874757). 

CD Cover "Conspiracy"

Album Preview of "Conspiracy"

About "Conspiracy"

On 9.9.2022 MONS Records will release the new album from the German saxophonist Tobias Hoffmann titled “Conspiracy”. Under the motto, things just keep getting bigger, this recording follows his 2019 release “Retrospective” recorded with a nine piece band and this time features a full big band.

Tobias stated that throughout his journey in music “… there have been two hearts beating in my chest: on the one hand that of the saxophone player and on the other that of the composer and arranger.” When you first listen to this recording it becomes clear that on “Conspiracy” Tobias has been able to merge these two hearts into one.

Speaking of the album Tobias explained “After releasing my CD “Retrospective” with my Nonet in 2019, I felt like taking the next step as a jazz composer and arranger by writing and recording more music for a jazz orchestra.” he went on to say “When at the end of 2020 I started planning this project I was full of doubt. We were in the middle of the second wave of the corona pandemic, half of Europe was in lockdown, concerts and jobs had been cancelled and I was really not sure whether it would be the right moment to bring a large jazz ensemble to the studio and record an album of challenging instrumental Big Band music in that period of time. But there was a soft voice telling me that it was worth going for it. Now looking back after writing, organizing, rehearsing and recording the music it feels almost surreal that is poised for release. I am very glad I had listened to that soft voice and recorded the music.”


The album opens with the title track “Conspiracy”. Tobias stated that this was one of his most challenging compositions to date and is inspired by the crazy conspiracy theories that emerged during the pandemic. “I realized how dangerous these can be, not only for the people who believe in them, but for our society as a whole” explained Tobias. The track opens with a rather bombastic tutti passage that certainly grabs your attention before settling done for the main theme. Of note here is the mysterious start to the saxophone solo. „Conspiracy“ was awarded the 3rd prize at the „Bill Conti Big Band Contest 2021“ organized by the American Society of Music Arrangers and Composers (ASMAC).

The following track titled “Elegy” is a fully through composed piece that features the bands horn section in a more orchestral context. 

The next cab of the rank is titled “December Song” and is a medium swing composition featuring Alto saxophonist Andy Schofield. Tobias explained that this piece was inspired by the music of Vince Mendoza, “When writing this composition, I started with the figure of the piano at the beginning of the piece, which immediately reminded me of some of Mendoza’s compositions. So I tried to loosely capture the feeling and flow of his music.”

“Awakening” is a composition about change. Tobias wrote this piece at time when he was experiencing change in his life. while he admitted
he was struggling with this he also came to realization that change also brings opportunity. This somewhat melancholy composition features a wonderful solo by Jakob Helling on Flugelhorn that transitions to a more optimistic contrasting section of the arrangement.

The next track titled “Relentless” is a composition based on a twelve- tone row, a composition technique that Downbeat Student Music Awards 2022 Logowas first made popular by the Austrian-American composer Arnold Schoenberg in the early 20th century. When speaking about this composition Tobias said “The composition is a mixture of different sections which are contrasting each other. It was an interesting process to learn as a composer how long one should stick to self-imposed rules and limitations and when to rid yourself of them and follow your inner voice.” It should be noted that this composition was awarded the first prize in the “Original Composition – Large Ensemble” category at the 2022″ 45th annual Downbeat Student Music Awards”.

Featuring Jonas Brinckmann (Baritone Saxophone) and Kasperi Sarikoski (Trombone), the next track titled “Trailblazers” is a minor blues couched as a jazz waltz. “As a saxophone player I have always enjoyed playing these high-energy Big Band charts from the rich history of Big Band music and that’s why I wanted to write one for my own band as well.” stated Tobias. Both Brinckmann and Sarikoski deliver great solos here on Baritone Sax and Trombone respectively you will also find a highly interesting solo special for the entire Trombone section.

“Renegade” is a composition based on a 2 bar motif in 9/4 and features Simon Plötzeneder on trumpet. This composition is inspired by the American jazz composer Darcy James Argue and his “Secret Society” ensemble. For this piece Tobias experimented with incomplete chords and voicings to provide a modern and contemporary harmonic sound. Tobias said of this piece “I wrote this composition in a period when I was struggling to find my place in life and so I tried to capture the feeling of uncertainty in the composition.”

As you will read in the albums liner notes, many of the compositions on this album were inspired by psychology and psychological phenomena and the following track “Impostor Syndrome” follows in this vein. The Impostor Syndrome is a psychological term that describes a pattern of thinking in which human beings doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments and are afraid of being exposed as a fraud. This odd- meter composition features two main soloists, Martin Harms (Tenor Saxophone) and Robert Bachner (Euphonium). Of note here is the unaccompanied piano cadenza by pianist Philipp Nykrin that climaxes into a full band tutti section to round off the track.

Serving as an intro to the final track on the album is “Who Knows Intro” and is a feature for the bands trombone section. Tobias explained “I truly love the sound of the trombone. Unfortunately, trombones sometimes live an inconspicuous life in a Big Band. So I wanted to give them the space to fully shine as a section.” 

The final track, “Who Knows”, on the album is a departure from the rest of the compositions on the album and features a rock feel with featuring a great solo performed by guitarist Vilkka Wahl. This track just builds throughout culminating in a fitting climax to close out the album.

This recording shows Tobias Hoffmann firmly in control of his composer heart. The band is amazing with each section blending together in such a way that only more established bands sound. This recording certainly makes a statement and that is “The Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra is here and can’t be ignored.“

“Conspiracy” by the Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra is available on CD and all digital platforms via MONS Records.

Andrew Read


Saxophones & Woodwinds
Patrick Dunst (Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone & Flute)
Andy Schofield (Alto Saxophone, Flute & Clarinet)
Robert Unterköfler (Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone & Clarinet)
Martin Harms (Tenor Saxophone & Clarinet)
Jonas Brinckmann (Baritone Saxophone & Bass Clarinet)

Kasperi Sarikoski (Trombone)
Robert Bachner (Trombone & Euphonium)
Daniel Holzleitner (Trombone)
Johannes Oppel (Bass Trombone & Tuba)

Rhythm Section
Vilkka Wahl (Guitar)
Philipp Nykrin (Piano & Synthesizer)
Ivar Roban Krizic (Double Bass & Electric Bass) 
Reinhold Schmölzer (Drums & Electronics)

Recording Supervisor
Peter Lenz

Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra
Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra at the ORF Radiokulturhaus Vienna, 2021


All compositions by Tobias M. Hoffmann (AKM)
Produced by Tobias Hoffmann

Co-produced by Johannes Oppel

The recording was supervised and assisted by Peter Lenz 

Recorded from 28 – 31 August 2021 at Studio 2 at ORF Radiokulturhaus (Vienna, Austria) by Ingrid Song and Robert Pavlecka.

Mixed and mastered by Werner Angerer at Acoustic Art Studio 

Artwork by Zippo Zimmermann

MONS Records (LC 06548)
Taubenplatz 42
D – 67705 Trippstadt

Tel: +49 6306 993222


MONS Records

If  you are interested you can download the Electronic Press Kit (EPK) with information about the music, the musicians and press quotes in German and English.

Sponsors and Supporters

Special thanks go to the sponsors and supporters who helped financing this project:

What others say about "Conspiracy"

„Everywhere the writing is detailed, often chromatic, and supportive of the soloists, who appear on all tracks bar Elegy. This is a talented band playing challenging music by a composer as strong on big-band muscularity as he is quietly thoughtful on the more fragile voicings that emerge when the hard-blowers catch their breath.“
„I have to say that I very much enjoyed Conspiracy […]. There is a lot on this album in terms of variations in style, tone, pitch, texture, and emotional connection. Some compositions were more challenging than others (and that is a good thing!).“
„It's a great album! It's been a long time since I've heard such overblown big band jazz of the modern, contemporary variety! With juicy, all-organic solo choruses! The very first track of the ten, the title track Conspiracy, will convince you of that. […] Bravo!“
„Doch nicht allein die Kompositionen sind es, die glänzen, auch die Arrangements sind von beispielhafter Eleganz und leidenschaftlichem Feuer, und ebenso ist der Freiraum für die jeweiligen Solisten besonders hervorzuheben, den diese enthusiastisch nutzen. […] Angesichts der moderneren Ausrichtung ist dennoch ist keine typische kühle Kopfmusik entstanden, denn das Wort Emotion behält seinen Stellenwert. […] Und erneut ist ein großartiges und (mich) begeisterndes Big-Band-Projekt gelungen, etwas, das die Musik des Vorgängers noch topt, wiederum voller Druck, Kraft und emotionaler Intensität!“
„Taken together, they present a luminous snapshot of Hoffmann's exceptional talents as a composer and arranger. Conspiracy has much to admire and recommend, and portends even greater steps forward in the future. […] Stan Kenton would have loved this.“
„You will enjoy the brilliance of an amazing orchestra, along with the unique arrangements of gifted composer, Tobias Hoffmann, who has a warm place in his heart for horns and the beautiful music they make.“
„Overall, this is an excellent Orchestral Jazz effort, with first class compositions flawlessly executed by the instrumentalists, which continues the splendid European Orchestral Jazz tradition, keeping it alive despite the difficulties involved with working and sustaining big ensembles in today’s climate. It seems that Austria manages to be the best environment in Europe for Orchestral Jazz these days. Well done indeed!“
„Hoffmann’s compositions are just as crisp, and his arrangements/orchestrations are, if anything, even more richly colored and expressive. The precision and craftsmanship in the writing/arranging and the high-performance delivery by the orchestra for the cliché of German engineering—except that Hoffmann lives in Austria, and I don’t want to suggest that there is anything mechanical about this vividly expressive storytelling […]. Hoffmann offers a diverse selection of tunes with a consistent quality of clarity and depth.“
„Es ist ein Album voller wuchtig klingender Tutti-Passagen, klangfarbenreicher Ensemble-Sounds und Atmosphären gefüllter Klangkunst. […] Ein großer Wurf ist dem Bandleader mit diesem Album gelungen.“
„Das Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra liefert auf „Conspiracy“ ein musikalisches Schauspiel der Extraklasse ab, eines, das einen nicht unberührt lässt und wirklich in schönster Manier packt. Der wahnsinnig vielschichtige und zugleich sich wunderbar anschmiegende und warm klingende Sound, die sehr abwechslungsreichen Stücke, die ergreifenden Melodien und spannungsgeladenen Improvisationen, alles lädt dazu ein, tiefer in das Geschehen einzutauchen, sich mittreiben zu lassen und eine musikalische Welt zu erkunden, die viel Aufregendes entdecken lässt. Ein fesselndes Hörerlebnis.“
„Tobias Hoffmann legt mit seinem nächsten Album-Kapitel, mit dem „Conspiracy“-Set des Tobias Hoffmann Jazz Orchestra, noch einmal richtig vor und legt die Messlatte an künftige Werke des Masterminds mit viel mitschwingender Spannung unerwartet hoch.“
„Conspiracy“ ist - von Hoffmann komponiert - mit seinem mitreißenden, kraftvollen Einstieg  und dem Titelstück (grandiose Bläser-Tutti, faszinierende Gitarre von Vilkka Wahl), das er selbst als seine „bisher anspruchsvollste Komposition“ bezeichnet sowie seinen wiederkehrenden gewaltigen Bläsersätzen dennoch ein höchst poetisches Projekt geworden, dessen zehn Titel er zu einem stimmigen Konzeptalbum zusammengefügt hat. „Conspiracy“ ist ein heutzutage rares Bigband-Schmankerl und sehr zu empfehlen.“
„Der wesentliche Wert dieser Musik liegt in den Arrangements von Tobias Hoffmann, die eine ganze Palette von Farbnuancen aus dem breiten Orchestersatz herausholen, und selbst in den Solopartien bleiben die Musiker Rädchen in einer perfekten Orchestermaschine. Dies ist nur ein weiteres großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie sich die Freude am Spielen in die Freude am Zuhören überträgt. Wir sind begeistert!“
„Ein Jazzorchester, dass einfach nur ungeheuren Spass macht. Schön, dass es Musiker:innen gibt, die heute die Jazzorchesterform weiterentwickeln und damit sicherlich zu deren Überleben beitragen. Unbedingt anhören! Und als kleines Extra: Hören Sie sich dann gleich auch das 2019 erschienene Album „Retrospective“ […] von Tobias Hoffman mit seinem Nonet an…ebenfalls sehr zu empfehlen!“
„ Hoffmann hat eine klare Idee zu Klangfarben und rhythmischen Mustern, die seine Big Band perfekt umsetzt. Auch wenn die Stücke noch so vertrackt sind, die Band klingt wie aus einem Guss, bestich in Unisono-Parts und Tempowechseln. Darüber hinaus hat Tobias Hoffmann auch etliche gute Solisten in der Band.“
„Conspiracy einfach ein Bigband-Album zu nennen, würde der Musik allerdings nicht gerecht. […] Zudem besticht die Aufnahme durch die Spielfreude der Musiker, die sich durch das ganze Album zieht und Hörende in den Bann zieht.“
„[…] he now conducts an 18-piece aggregation that swells and sprawls with potent compositions favoring musical interchange and organic unity. […] Hoffmann promotes a solid group ethos throughout this tautly constructed program.“
„Overall, this is an eminently successful, skillfully composed and arranged disc that brings something for lots of musical tastes and will secure Tobias Hoffmann a whole new audience… and rightly so.“
„His music is incredibly well crafted, with a sense of completeness and depth that demonstrates his knowledge as well as his respect of the tradition of jazz composition. The flow and form of his music feels inevitable without being predictable, taking the listener on a journey with refreshing (and even sometimes surprising) twists and turns along the way“
„This is challenging music and it is well worth one’s time to listen and absorb the creativity […]. I strongly suggest you take the time and really listen to the music of a very talented musician by the name of Tobias Hoffmann.“
“A high quality album on many levels. A first class ensemble that excels in excellent tutti performance and outstanding soloists, great arrangements and compositions that never disengage the audience. Bravo!”